Easy ways to improve your life … 30 days at a time

I dare you!

Every once in a while we stop and take stock of ourselves, and feel like we should change something.  The problem lies in the mistaken belief that we should make huge, life-shaking changes…and that’s when we become discouraged.

The secret is to take on small, easy challenges, that take very little effort, but add up to so much in the end.

Here are 5 easy 30-day challenges that won’t take a whole lot out of you, but which are sure to add richness to your life.

  • Watch one documentary a day for 30 days.

Try short pieces like those on TED Talks; they usually run 15 minutes or so.  Browse through and pick from the endless variety of topics.  Be sure to share what you learned.

  • Take a photo every day for 30 days.

Keep your phone or pocket camera nearby, and keep an eye out for something that touches you or says something about your life.  Post your photos online or in a private journal, with a short note explaining what the shot means to you.  You’d be surprised how textured your life will seem once you open your eyes.

  •  Say hello to a stranger every day for 30 days.

No, not creepy looking guys in the street, but people you pass by or interact with wordlessly all the time.  The cashier at the store, the doubles man, the janitor at the office.  “Hello?  How are you?  How’s your day going?” can make all the difference in someone else’s day.

  • Take a cold shower every day for 30 days.

No joke; most of us have become a little too dependent on the luxury of warm showers.  A good, bracing daily shower will brighten your skin, wake you up, and make you more alert to face the day.  It will also make you less dependent on first-world niceties that the vast majority of the world does without.

  • Swallow negative or pessimistic comments about yourself or others for 30 days.

You’ll be surprised how eliminating negativity from the tip of your tongue also erases it from your heart and your mood.  You’ll start to feel lighter in no time.

Try one of these challenges, starting today.

Any more to suggest? Comment here.

How NOT to Dress on Your First Date

Rock your sense of style

Hey, you! Look what I found! An article I wrote YONKS ago, for some throwaway page. Even then, I knew it was all blather. But now, older me thinks this has got to be one of the most sexist things I have ever written.


Anyway, enjoy. (*insert eye-roll)

You’re stepping out for the first time with a new man, and you’re well aware of just how much first impressions can affect whatever comes later. Not to put too much pressure on you, but it’s not just what you do and say that matters; it’s what you wear.

Sad, but true.

I’m sure you rock your own sense of style, but I’d like to pass on a few suggestions on what you don’t wear.

A makeup mask

If you wear enough makeup to make the Joker jealous, it’s probably too much. Most men don’t care that much one way or the other, but a heavy slick of paint makes them wary. You assume he’s admiring the airbrushing job you’ve done, but he’s really wondering . . . “Is she a cyborg? Is there a layer of titanium under all that?” Wear just enough to show you appreciate him enough to make the effort, and leave it at that.

Noisy jewellery

I love the chunky bead look, too, but if your wrist makes so much noise when you reach for the popcorn that people think cows have invaded the cinema, you’re wearing too much.

Heavy perfume

Maybe he has allergies. Maybe he doesn’t enjoy the sensation of being locked in a florist’s back room. Wait a little until you find out how he feels about heavy scents before you splash them on.

Micro mini, micro tops, micro anything

Unless he’s a dermatologist, he’s probably not interested in seeing wide expanses of your bare skin so soon. Something sexy but . . . uh . . . a little decorous might be a better bet.

What you should wear

A big smile, a positive attitude, and whatever shows your personality while making you comfortable. There; you’re all set.

Cringe, right? Don’t forget to comment!