Sun-Kissed Secret Baby is now on Audible!

Moving to Audible is such a bold step!

So proud of my editing client, Leigh Jenkins, for launching her first in the Sabina island series, Sun-Kissed Secret Baby on Audible. It was already available on kindle and paperback, and now this! Leigh is growing by leaps and I am happy for her.

Listen to a sample of Sun-Kissed Secret baby here.

And the winner is…

Choices, choices, choices.

I’ve been working hard on my new website and social media items for reviving my Simona Taylor profile, and I want to share a few of them with you. I visited the wonderful treasure trove that is Fiverr and commissioned a new logo, but first, I had several choices to make. These were all clever, but my final choice is down below.

Choice #1, pretty but a little pale.
Choice #2, pretty, but hard to read from afar.
And the winner is: Choice #3, which says exactly what I want to say.
Also available as a circle. We likes it, precious!

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

Simona’s back!

It’s so good to be back on the romance scene!

Cartoon image of Simona Taylor with braids and a wide smile.
New profile, new me.

Amazing news! After a hiatus of ten years (really!) I am reawakening my Simona Taylor alter ego. I’m preparing to bring you several new romance novels, with all the fun and flirtation of the old Simona.

I also want to share some artwork I’m working on, including my new profile pic here.

Simona’s also gonna have her own website: It’s still under construction, but I hope you visit soon! She’s also on Facebook and on Twitter and her updated Amazon Author page is here.

It’s going to be a great ride. I hope you come along!