Roslyn Carrington’s Resume

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B.A. Language and literature | 1987 | UWI St. Augustine (First Class Honours)

  • Seven academic prizes, including Faculty of Arts Student of The Year, 1986 and 1987


The Scribble Pad – founded 2009

  • Founder and owner of The Scribble Pad
  • Provide writing and related services such as copywriting (magazines, newspapers, brochures, web content, media releases, etc.), editing, proofreading, speechwriting, literary critiques and transcription

Journalistic Credits

  • Provide writing services, including corporate copy, speeches, brochures and web content for several local companies

Editorial Credits

Fiction Writing

  • Three novels published under the name Roslyn Carrington
  • Eleven novels published under the name Simona Taylor
  • All novels published by reputable international New York-based publishers, all currently available on Amazon.

Ghostwriting and Memoirs

  • Call Me Pud, a memoir by Dr. George A. Laquis, as told to Roslyn Carrington, published February 2019
  • Two other ghost-written memoirs completed and two more in progress
  • Two ghost-written self-help books completed

Writing Coaching/Critiquing

I have coached and critiqued several new writers, most of whom have gone on to publish their books. They include Beneath the Mango Tree by Rianne Jazz Morgan, The Yard by Aliyyah Eniath, and Roots from the Cotton Tree by Nicola Brooks-Williamson.


Public Relations

Personal Statement

I have over 25 years of experience writing commercially and creatively, and have worked well with my writers, graphic artists, etc. I have periodically taught writing for academic purposes as well as fiction writing, and have attended workshops and courses on these and other subjects that are too numerous to list.

Even after so many years I am still excited by the writing process. I believe that writing connects people and crosses barriers. I am an excellent communicator, both in writing and in person, and enjoy engaging people face to face as well as through my writing.

I love writing, and enjoy working with other writers to make their dream projects a reality. I am grateful every day that I can earn my living doing one of the things I am most passionate about.