Fangs of Passion

The irresistible appeal of vampires and werewolves

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Women of the world have gone vampire and werewolf mad.  The last two decades have seen an upsurge in women thirsting for a good paranormal story, a glimpse of those beautiful, deadly males who take our breath away with a glance, and who—if we aren’t careful—can drain our life’s essence with a single bite. 

Vampires and werewolves are mysterious breeds, and there are as many interpretations of their species as there are paranormal writers.  The teens of the Twilight saga are sulky and brooding, the bayou blood-suckers of True Blood are savage and amoral, Ann Rice’s night-creatures are sensual and resplendent.  Bram Stoker’s Dracula, the great grand-daddy of them all, was at once a dandified gentleman and a hideous beast from the deepest crevices of Hell.

So why is it that these men, who should be the stuff of nightmares, are instead the fabric of our most sensual fantasies?

They’re ultra-manly, and uber-gorgeous

Let’s not kid ourselves, ladies.  Vampires and werewolves are lookers.  It’s as if their curse also left them with jaw-dropping good looks, mind-blowing physiques, and super-human strength.  And, yeah, pecs to die for, which, bless the heavens, they have no problems showing off.  Can it get any better?

These supernatural creatures are the definition of masculinity, an exaggeration of all we’ve ever desired.  Big, strong, handsome, oozing testosterone from every pore.  Hands up if you’ve ever seen a weak, wimpy, wussy werewolf.  Anyone?  Anyone?  Didn’t think so.

We love bad boys

Vampires and werewolves don’t have get-out-of-Hell-free-cards. They’re damned, and they know it.  So why not be as bad as they wanna be?  These guys are reckless and rude.  They court danger, laugh in the face of death. 

Werewolves don’t become accountants.  Vampires don’t teach pre-school.  They fight, they prowl, they do donuts in parking lots in their 10-second cars and pop wheelies on their speed bikes.  They’re overgrown boys, but we love them anyway.

They’re wild and passionate lovers

Vampires and werewolves are the manifestation of the human sexual urge.  They’re walking libidos.  While Edward Cullen doesn’t trust himself to touch Bella, P.N. Elrod’s vampire P.I., Jack, has no such reservations when it comes to his girlfriend, Bobbi.  For this brave woman, a nip on the throat brings indescribable ecstasy.  And werewolves, well, they’re just plain animalistic.  But in a good way.

They take us to the edge of danger and bring us back

Make no mistake; these creatures are killers.  When angered, they go for the jugular—literally.  But we know that the supernatural loves of our lives would never, ever hurt us.

Any self-respecting werewolf would chain himself to a tree before the full moon rises to prevent himself from hurting the woman he loves.  Our vampire lover would go veggie, or at the very least, sneak off down to a nearby sheep farm to chow down, rather than run the risk of getting hungry in our presence.  For them, we’re lovers, not snacks. Doesn’t that make us feel special!

They’re protective of their females

Vampires and werewolves are the distillation of manhood, and all good men look after their women.  They’d defend us against our enemies to the last drop of blood in their bodies.  Anyone who hurts us won’t have much time for regrets.  It’s a simple formula; you touch their girl, you die.

They don’t stop to think about it, or to reason.  For them, vengeance is a dish better eaten warm.  And, preferably, screaming.

They’d give us awesome offspring

Any woman who says she isn’t delighted when her child is first across the finish line or comes first in test is lying.  We constantly compare our offspring to others, and it pleases us no end to think that ours have the edge on everyone else’s.

Just think what a werewolf gene could do. 

And although vampires don’t reproduce that way, they do gather in small groups, and with the right alpha mate, the opportunity to play den mother to a brood of young vamps can’t be ignored.

Either way, we’d have a family of youngsters who are smarter, faster, and stronger.  As a bonus, they don’t spend much time at home with pesky childhood diseases like measles and the flu.  It can’t get better than that!

We love them because they make us feel alive

Werewolves and vampires.  Beautiful, sensual, loyal, strong, protective, and just plain sexy.  We love the idea of them, and thrill to the thought that somewhere out there, they really might exist.  And among them, there is a perfect specimen, whose destiny is intertwined—with ours. 

The living and the undead can comment here.

Author: Roslyn Carrington

Roslyn Carrington has been a freelance writer, editor and proofreader for over 11 years. She has published 14 novels and has ghost-written several memoirs and non-fiction works. She writes, edits and proofreads for a variety of publications and corporate clients.

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