
Enough with the sophomoric email addresses. Grow up!

Would you do business with someone with an email address like Well, maybe I would, if the pay were right, but still . . . .

Your email address is one of the first things people see about you, and when you’re doing business, it must reflect positively on you. Too many times I get professional communiques from people with email addresses that graphically describe their physical attributes, their flair for obscene or misogynistic language, or their sexual proclivities. Which I do not want to know about, especially if we’re talking business.

Take it from an old pro: get yourself an email address that you’d be proud to email the President from. Maybe just your name, (with a twist if that’s already taken), the name of your business, or some quality or attribute that sells.

Keep the dirty-word email addresses for when you’re chatting with your homies, or signing up with porn sites. Got that, miss

Comments and questions, guys. Let’s talk it through!

Why Editors Need to be Edited

We all screw up. Sometimes, spectacularly.

Have you spotted an error on my site? If so, I’d be grateful if you’d point it out to me. I try very hard not to mess things up, but I’m only human. I make mistakes.

That’s why even editors need editors. Want an example? I once wrote in a document, “The sector will weather the storm and emerge un-buttered.”

*hangs head in shame

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Lost M&M

No M&M left behind.

You know how the Bible says that if a shepherd has lost one sheep, he’ll leave the other 99 and go searching for it?

Well, if I lose one M&M, I’ll leave the others on the pack and get down on my hands and knees to search under my desk until I find the one I dropped!

(It was delicious.)

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