Client Successes

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I’ve worked with many clients to help improve their fiction and non-fiction works, helping them cut out the dross and make the gold shine. I can do the same for you!

Some of my clients have kept their books as private treasures to share with friends and family, some are out there doing the find-a-publisher shuffle, and some have gone ahead and published on their own.

I’m proud to share a few of their success stories.

Sun-Kissed Secret Baby is now on Audible!

So proud of my editing client, Leigh Jenkins, for launching her first in the Sabina island series, Sun-Kissed Secret Baby on Audible. It was already available on kindle and paperback, and now this! Leigh is growing by leaps and I am happy for her.

Listen to a sample of Sun-Kissed Secret baby here.

Falling for the Heir

Missed Opportunities Series

(Client type, editing)

It’s not often that your gorgeous chauffeur turns out to be the heir to a fortune.

Three things I didn’t expect when I won the opportunity to go to France:

  1. That Queenie Abara’s adoring fans included the wife of a French billionaire.
  2. That said wife and her intimidating husband would be hosting me IN THEIR MANSION.
  3. That my super-hot “chauffeur” would turn out to be their only son and heir!

I have a nose for scents, and I intend to use it wisely.

This trip provides the perfect opportunity to hone my skills and realize my perfumery dreams.

Bastien is the definition of tall, dark, and handsome – a distraction to all my senses.

But I don’t have time to stop and smell the roses.

Otherwise the sweet smell of victory could turn into the stinky stench of failure…

Check out Falling for the Heir here on Amazon.

Falling for the Bartender

(Client type: editing)

Book 3 in the Missed Opportunities series by Leigh Jenkins

A Small Town Romance in France (The third book in the Missed Opportunities Romance series by Leigh Jenkins) 

Yay for another success by one of my favorite editing clients! Hovering over 4 1/2 stars just one week into release!


When I spotted the hot bartender next door, I didn’t intend to start an actual fire!

My first night in France and I nearly burn down my new café…

Cue my door being knocked down and me being tossed over the (very broad) shoulders of a hot mystery man.

Turns out he’s the hunky owner of the Aussie bar next door!

I refuse to be distracted – I’ve got cakes to bake and a TV Queen to impress.

Doesn’t help that Zander is strong, capable, kind and entirely too easy on the eyes.

But maybe a girl CAN have her cake and eat it too…

Check out Falling for the Bartender here on Amazon.

Falling for the Vet

(Client type: editing)


One goat + one cat + one gorgeous, awkward vet = my fresh start in France!

It’s time for a fresh start and winning a contest where I get to paint in France is exactly what I need!

An extra perk?

Meeting a tall, blond, kinda awkward (but oh so sexy) veterinarian next door.

Éric’s nothing like I expected, but maybe he’s everything I need.

Sweet, generous, and GORGEOUS!

Only problem?

How’s a girl to get any privacy with the eyes of the world on me 24/7?

Falling for the Carpenter

(Client type: editing)


Winning a contest on a famous talk show? Oh, yes!

A dream design job in the South of France? Ooh-la-la.

Falling for my charming next door neighbor? Oh no!

They say opportunity doesn’t knock twice.

Winning a trip to France to live out my dream interior design career wasn’t a line item in my day timer.

Neither was dragging my son halfway across the planet in search of a second chance.

Falling hard for the carpenter next door definitely wasn’t part of the plan.

He’s helpful, charming, kind, capable, and oh so French!

And, something else I can’t put my finger on.

I wish I could undo our rocky start when I accidentally attacked him.

I can tell I’m not the only one with some dark history…he’s carrying some baggage and has damage of his own to repair.

Now that I’m this famous contest winner and have cameras following me 24/7, all eyes are on us.

The viewers think we would make the perfect couple – I’m not so sure yet.

But in a life full of missed opportunities, maybe love deserves another chance…

Read an excerpt on Amazon0

Sun-Kissed Island Series

(Client type: editing)

Excerpt from Book 1:

I never thought I’d see her again. She was just another American girl, looking for a good time. What she found was me.

The little girl with cinnamon skin, a wild mass of tight curls, and jade-green eyes splashes out of the water laughing. My heart stops.

She smiles and I smile back. It’s like gazing into a mirror.

She looks about nine.

It was almost ten years ago when Allie and I shared one unforgettable night of passion. The first time for both of us.

Allie would have told me – wouldn’t she?

I clench my fists – hiding my fury from this child. Tears sting my eyes and the hurt is as real and awful as the day Allie left.

Why have they come back? The girl laughs and runs off down the beach.

My world just changed forever.

Hailstorm Motorcycle Club Box Set

(Client type: Editing)


The brothers of the Hailstorm MC are dedicated to the club and getting rid of mafia scum like Giovanni, known for trafficking young women, drugs and all things illegal and immoral. Find out what happens in this action packed series that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The members find the curvy women that will steal their hearts all while engaging in thrilling intrigue. This will give you the steam and action you are craving.

Book One: Hunter
Our club needs an entertainer. I’m told this violinist is good, real good. Fact is, she’s better than good with that curvy body of hers, full hips, heavy chest, and plump lips. Nothing in this world will stop me from claiming her. There’s only one small problem. Marissa may not want to be mine when she realizes I’m the president of the Hailstorm Brothers. A club renowned five years ago for being nothing more than low-life criminals.

Book Two: Damon
I hardly know this girl, yet my heart now beats for only her. I want her — in every way possible. More than I have ever wanted any woman in my life, but she’s been hurt, betrayed, so I restrain all of my urges and command my mind to focus on the only thing I can do to ease that pain. I make a promise to myself that no matter what, I’ll return that smile on her gorgeous face, and not even Giovanni’s memory can stop me.

Book Three: Zack
I’m the Enforcer of the club. I’m supposed to be hardcore and pretty badass except one look from Daniella, the woman who called me her savior, and I’m weak to my knees. I enjoy fighting
I have to claim her, but how can I move past my regrets, insecurities, and guilt when I’m not the man she deserves. I’m not the man she thinks I am.
After all, I’m no hero.

Book Four: Harlo
We’re planning to take down the slime connected to that trash: Giovanni. Unfortunately, I’m the only one not assigned an active part of the take-down-the-rest-of-the-slime strategy, which means the club can throw whatever side mission they want on me. Except Damon’s sister has a stalker, and apparently, I’m the only one Damon thinks worthy enough to protect her.
That wasn’t a chick I was willing to give a single moment of my time, but one look at her, and I’m falling. Hard. There are only several big problems. She’s not my type, we’re not compatible, and she’s Damon’s little sister.

Book Five: Dimitri
Love and family are in the air. Most of my brothers have practically settled down, and I can’t help but think that this could have been me fifteen years ago.
I’d given up the love of my life because I’d wanted her to live, to be happy, to be taken care of. Since I’d let Abigail go, no woman has been able to fill that blank space in my heart. I’d struggled to bury all memories of the one woman I wanted more than anything but could never have. And that faithful night, despite all the odds, we meet again, and suddenly it’s like those fifteen years never existed.

Find the set or the individual books here on Amazon.

Sing to Me
(Second Chances Book 5)

(Client type: Editing)

I’ve lived my life yearning for the limelight. My greatest fantasy is to sing on the stages of Europe and the world. I’m talented and hard-working and I know I will succeed.
But my gifted husband Colton, who is also my co-writer and pianist, doesn’t share the same ambitions. He was a jazz prodigy from an early age, and yet all he wants for himself is to play to small halls, where he can be close to his audience, and to spend a quiet life with me, raising a family.
When I get a scholarship to study singing in Australia, I’m forced to decide. What do I want more? Career or family?

Being known for your talent might seem like a godsend, but when you’ve been put on display from the age of four, you quickly get tired of it. I love jazz, and the only two things I want in life are to play my music and to love my wife.
But she seems destined for more; she craves the light I shy away from. It’s agony trying to decide whether to endure the exposure that top billing will bring us, or continue hiding in the shadows.
When her pianist breaks an arm on Madelyn’s big night, I know I have to step in and play for her again. But the moment I’m near to her, I realize I can’t let her go.

This is a sweet and steamy short story second chance romance, complete with some magic thrown in and a guaranteed happily-ever-after. If you’re looking for an escape from everyday life with an alpha man and the curvy woman that he loves, this is for you!

Letters and Lies
(Second Chances Book 4)

(Client type: Editing)

Being the kid sister to a stunning beauty can suck, especially when the guy you secretly have a crush on marries her. It hurt to watch him love her . . . and it hurt to watch her cheat on him. Now they’re divorced, and my sister has moved on to yet another conquest.
Then I find myself being asked one more favor: to deliver a mysterious box to Jonathan, one that my sister has kept secret for years. I hate the idea of seeing him again, but family is family, and I reluctantly agree to play courier.
All I have to do is find him, hand over the package, and walk away. . . . But damn, he’s finer now than he was when he was my brother-in-law!

Marrying Sabrina turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes of my life. When we were dating, she seemed to be one of the most thoughtful, interesting, and sensitive girls I’d ever known, and I didn’t only fall in love with her, I fell in love with the sweet letters and poems she sent me.
I’m shocked when her kid sister Maya turned up to deliver a package from my ex-wife . . . and devastated when I learn the secret behind those letters, and the woman I thought I was falling in love with.

Kiss and Run
(Second Chances Book 3)

(Client type: Editing)

Conventions are many things to many people: a place to network and drum up business, an excuse to get out of the office for a few days, or a place to lose your inhibitions and have a blast. Two years ago, I went there for the business, but never expected that I would fall in love, or spend the best few days of my life having legendary sex.
I thought that what I had with Garrett was good enough to last well past the end of the convention . . . but I was wrong.

I didn’t expect to see Terri back at the convention this year; if I had, I’d have mentally prepared myself to meet the woman who, two years ago, used sex and seduction to distract me from a contract we were both vying for. I hate it when women in business use their sexuality as leverage, so this time, I’m on my guard.
But within hours, I realize that there is no way I can escape the allure of this woman: she is simply too seductive, too alluring, too good at what she does. Maybe I can just have a little fun, enjoy what she has to offer, and walk away a second time.

Stuck With You
(Second Chances Book 2)

(Client type: Editing)

When a teenage girl gets a crush, she gets a crush! And it’s even harder when the guy you’re crushing on is your big brother’s best friend. My brother Reg’s best buddy Hudson treated me like a kid. But when I blossomed, he noticed. For one short summer, he taught me all I know about love and sex . . . and then walked out of my life.
Now, as fate would have it, we’re on the same flight heading back home for my grandmother’s birthday. It’s bad enough that I have to sit next to him, but when the plane is grounded, it looks like I’m stuck with him overnight.
I’m still mad at him for dumping me so harshly all those years ago. But sometimes, when you’re forced into the company of someone you once loved, flames can be rekindled.

For as long as I’d known my best friend’s kid sister, Liana was just that: a kid. And then things changed. Overnight she became beautiful, confident, and desirable in my eyes. I wanted her, and had her, but the shadow of her brother’s disapproval hung over me.
Years after I did the unthinkable and broke her heart, we find ourselves trapped in each other’s company. And I discover that she is even more desirable than I remember.

Coming Home
(Second Chances Book 1)

(Client type: Editing)

After avoiding my hometown for eleven years, I’m back. I have so many happy memories of my life there: I was a star athlete and dated the most gorgeous boy in school. But when Colin and I had a fight, I did something stupid: I went to a kegger with another boy in class just to spite him . . . and by the end of the night, I was lying in a ditch next to a wrecked car, my body smashed. The last thing I remember was Colin, standing over my hospital bed and crying . . . and then he turned around and walked out.
It was two years before I could walk, and as for my promising athletic career . . . well, I will never run again.
Now, I’m back in Wiltshire, and shocked to learn that the teenager I’d loved and hurt has grown into a major hunk. But would he even want to look at me again?

This is a sweet but sexy short story romance, with a second chance at a lost love and a little magic. If you’re looking for an escape from everyday life with a heartwarming and steamy second chance at love, don’t miss this book.

A Backpack, a Chair and a Beard

(Client type: Editing)

Good news! One of my favorite editing clients, Eamon Wood, has released his memoir, A Backpack, a Chair and a Beard. The cover blurb says more than I can:

A paraplegic since the age of four, Eamon found ways to give his wheelchair wings. He became the number one seed in the Kiwi men’s wheelchair tennis rankings, and represented his country on the men’s wheelchair basketball team, travelling the world. But that was in a safe, predictable team setting. He wanted more.

At twenty-eight, he set off on an epic journey, with little more than his backpack, his guitar, and an open mind. He hitchhiked around New Zealand’s southern island. The travelling bug took him to the UK and the USA, then along the fjords and lakes of Europe.

He slept rough, did odd jobs, busked in thoroughfares and made friends with oddballs. He wheeled his way through cities and small towns, searching… and found himself.

Join the Wayward Wheeler on his epic adventure, detailed with sincerity and humour in A Backpack, a Chair and a Beard.

I can in a completely non-partisan way that it’s a great read. Get it here on Kindle, or on RealNZBooks in New Zealand.

The Artemis (McKinley Brothers Book 5)

(Client type: Editing)

I hate the way the new Head of Security at the Artemis Grand Hotel and Casino in Montreal always stares at me. Insolent. As if he’s stripping me naked with his eyes. Which is really out of line, because as CEO of the Montreal branch, I’m his boss.
But we’re both adults here, and it probably wouldn’t be so bad if we indulge our fascination with each other just a little bit. After all, who can resist the sexy charms of a toned, rugged, ex-officer of the Canadian Armed Forces, with his arresting hint of Native American blood, glinting black eyes, and thick, long . . . ponytail?
Then some creep starts sending me flowers: living ones, and then dead ones. Sinister, scary . . . dangerous. It feels good to have this big, strong man by my side. But even as he fights to save my life, will he also shatter my heart?

Dominic (McKinley Brothers Book 4)

(Client type: Editing)

I’m way too old for a schoolboy crush, but that’s exactly what I’ve got. For a year I’ve adored the world-famous plus-size supermodel, Amethyst, and now she’s coming to my hotel, the Artemis Grand Hotel and Casino in Geneva, for a gala fundraiser.
It’s hard not to be in awe when she’s around, because this big, voluptuous woman is confident, graceful, and stunning. And then a scandal breaks. Social media influencer, Halina, accuses her of breaking up her marriage to Jarell St. Rose, a famous rapper. I’m falling for this gorgeous goddess, but is she really a homewrecker?

Nicholas (McKinley Brothers Book 3)

(Client type: Editing)

Since my brothers and I were boys, our father has bred us like farm animals, not people. He has reared us to take over his business, and as a dutiful son, I’ve complied. I’ve built the Jamaica branch of the Artemis Grand Hotels and Casinos, and it has become one of the most sought-after attractions on the island.
But I’m beginning to wonder; is this what I’m really destined to do? Or am I only here because it was what my father wanted of me? More and more I find myself thinking about my art. Should I ignore the burden of family duty and listen to the longing of my soul?
But then Lexi turns up and everything gets more confusing. She’s my employee, after all, and I shouldn’t be wanting her so much. I begin to feel as if I’m being torn this way and that . . . and I know that something’s gotta give.

Don’t miss this Alpha Billionaire, Curvy Woman steamy story….lots of heart.

Aidan (McKinley Brothers Book 2)

(Client type: Editing)

As the eldest McKinley, I feel the weight of responsibility weighing heavy on my shoulders: to oversee the operations of the Artemis Hotels and Casinos, to be a leader for my brothers, and to bear the family name with dignity and honor.
My devotion to duty cost me my lovely wife, Sarai. The tragedy has left me broken, and struggling to help my teenage stepdaughter to heal from the loss. I want nothing more than to be a good dad, but Anjali is angry, rebellious, and almost out of control . . . until Kiara walks into our lives.

Braxton: The McKinley Brothers Book 1.

(Client type: Editing)

It’s not easy being my father’s son, coming from a long line of men notorious for greed, power, and the ruthless acquisition of wealth. The McKinley name has borne the taint of scandal for over a hundred years, but it’s a new century, a new millennium, and my brothers and I have come into control of the family business, the Artemis Grand Hotels and Casinos. We’re determined to transform our little world into one where fairness, equality and transparency rule the day.
Unfortunately, the lovely Daniella isn’t sure about that. She’s bought into the rumors and the hype, and in her eyes, a living McKinley is a dangerous McKinley.

The McKinley Brothers Boxed Set
The McKinley Brothers Boxed set is now available.
You can also see the print version here.

Sean: Trenton Family Heroes Book 3

(Client type: Editing)

I knew for sure I did not want to get involved with any woman. I had my reasons. A soldier doing what I do has no business thinking about love or white picket fences.
But one look at perfect Michelle Sanders and I am floored. Her presence made me wish for more. She is an unexpected surprise. I knew she was not the type for a casual relationship. She wanted one anyway. Everything with her was perfect.
Now, she wants to move on.
But now I have feelings. Can I make her stay with me? Does she even want to be with a soldier?

Ethan: Trenton Family Heroes Book 2

(Client type: Editing)

LEAH: I knew coming back to Charleston would be good for me. I needed to be around family. But I did not count on Ethan. I did not know that after what he did ten years ago, my body would still tingle from his caress. But that is just my body. Even if I surrender to the passion, I don’t think I would ever surrender my heart to this soldier again. Will I ever get my happily ever after I always wanted?

ETHAN: I know I messed up. What I did was wrong, and for ten years, I did not have the courage to face up to it. Leah is my first love. The only woman for me. Our connection is deep . . . and our sexual chemistry is off the charts. But how do I convince her that I’m here to stay? How do I win her heart so she gives me a second chance?

Marcus: Trenton Family Heroes Book 1

JUNE: I knew he was trouble. But I could not help it. I wanted him the moment I saw him. The air practically sizzles whenever we are together and being with him feels so ethereal. But being with a soldier is last thing I want. Not with my history…

MARCUS: The moment I set eyes on her, I knew she was the one. One touch and I felt lit up. Never have I felt this way. A woman I can give my life gladly to protect. But June has been so independent for so long. She does not want anything long term. And for sure, she does not want to be with a soldier.

Will this couple get their second chance?

The Trenton Family Heroes Boxed Set

Now you can get the Trenton Family Heroes Boxed set here.

See the Trenton Family Heroes Paperback here.

Nursing Time: Angel’s Demons (A Medical Romance Book 2) By Amanda Higgins

(Client Type: Editing)

Angelic is a single mother taking care of her two children and her grandmother while also working full-time as a nurse. She’s a good nurse, but she’s also a beautiful Latin woman who oozes sensuality. Her husband is in prison and soon to get out, but she’s struggling financially and she wants to give her children things she can’t afford. Using her charms, she starts making money on the side with men in and out of the hospital. She gets caught and is fired, forcing her to move. Her husband, when he’s released, as a condition of his parole, has to remain in his home state. For years he waited until he could be reunited with Angelic, but now she’s gone. He’s furious and blames Lily Beckett. Big trouble is brewing!

Sisters with the Search (Saved by Indygo Book 3) By W. H. Kangas

(Client type: Editing)

Jasmine an adopted Native American girl hunts for more adventure with the help of her two friends. She has a secret weapon in her black Labrador tracking dog that puts her one up on finding missing persons. Come with Jasmine, her friends, and new family as she goes out of her way to solve mysteries.
This book contains clean language and good morals to make it useful as a classroom reader. It also has vocabulary lessons at the back of each chapter and writing prompts at the end of the book. It was, however, made with controversial subjects included to stimulate classroom debate.

Burning for Her (Heroic Alpha Book 2 By Alexis Ashlie

(Client type: Editing)


I’m a firefighter. I moved back to Clear Bay when my father was diagnosed with cancer, and had a few months to live. What I didn’t expect was to fall for a childhood friend, Brooke.
She was nothing like I remembered, with a big heart and a feisty attitude that made me burn hotter for her. She was wild, yet at the same time calm, and I found myself falling for her—even when a fiery danger loomed above us, threatening to consume us both.


I’ve loved fires since I was a little girl, maybe because I grew up surrounded by firemen. I was a newbie, working alongside another firefighter, a childhood friend, Terry. But the Terry I remember was nothing like this man, whose tall, muscled body and big brown eyes made me hot and restless. I fell for his voice and touch and I fell hard, but I kept wondering; once the reason he’s in town is over, will he still want me?

This is a steamy, sweet, short romance story. No cliffhangers—all heart. If you’re looking for a short, hot love story filled with passion and discovery, this is for you.

Needing Her (Heroic Alpha Book 1) By Alexis Ashlie

(Client type: Editing)

Angela: He rescued me like a true military hero he is, and after a makeout session that left me breathless, he asked me out on a date. But I am no model, and he can’t possibly want me. I better focus on school and success, and I better save him from a disappointing date that would lead nowhere. I better. No matter how much I want to say “yes”.

Lincoln: If my fifteen-year military career has taught me anything, it is that I’m the last man standing, always, just like I’m always alone. Hunting wolves in my spare time is fine. Being a player is fine. But suddenly needing a woman who makes my nightmares go away? Weakness is not an option. I will not be tamed.

More Client Successes

These clients are proud of their work and pleased with the insightful and gentle support I’ve given them. I can do the same for you!

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