Roots from the Cotton Tree

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Cover photo of Roots from the Cotton Tree. Surreal drawing of  woman's face intertwined with tree roots.

Congrats to one of my writing coaching/editing clients in the UK, Nicola Brooks-Williamson, on the publication of her novel, Roots from the Cotton Tree, now available on Amazon Kindle.

It’s a beautifully written fantasy novel about a young woman who begins to realise she’s different, and who embarks upon a journey to the West Indies to seek out her roots . . . and soon realises she comes from a long line of supernatural beings who reside in the realm of West Indian mythology.

The fantasy element took me right back to my myth-loving childhood, but at the same time, the main character, Sarah, was solid, interesting and real. Good job, Nicola!

Read about other client successes here.

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Author: Roslyn Carrington

Roslyn Carrington has been a freelance writer, editor and proofreader for over 11 years. She has published 14 novels and has ghost-written several memoirs and non-fiction works. She writes, edits and proofreads for a variety of publications and corporate clients.

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