Vampire-mageddon Approaches

Fat Vampire 3: All You Can Eat by Johnny B. Truant

If you liked reading this, pass it on.

This third installment in the Fat Vampire series features one of the best opening lines I have ever read, in any book, anywhere: “Reginald was getting tired of bumping into strippers”.

I mean, how great is that? It raises so many questions. Why were the strippers there? Why was he bumping into them? And why was he tired of it? You know you just have to read more.

By this point in the series, things are starting to get dark. There’s a war brewing between vampires and humans, instigated and incited by angels who certainly aren’t the kinds of beings you and I imagine when you hear the word.

Vampire-mageddon is on the horizon, and the entire bloodsucking species is facing extinction. Can the smartest vamp on the planet think his species out of this one?

Again, loved it. And the books are short, so they’re perfect for a couple of nights snuggled up under your blankie.


 Fat Vampire 3: All You Can Eat goes perfectly with this elegant stainless steel Atlin coffee mug, because Reginald is still too much of a coward to feed off his prey, and sips it from cups instead. This will keep it nice and warm until he’s ready for it.

And this Asense Home Collection Sunburst Mirror. Because that would be a hilarious trick to play on a vampire . . ..

Read it yet? Want to? Let’s talk.

Author: Roslyn Carrington

Roslyn Carrington has been a freelance writer, editor and proofreader for over 11 years. She has published 14 novels and has ghost-written several memoirs and non-fiction works. She writes, edits and proofreads for a variety of publications and corporate clients.

2 thoughts on “Vampire-mageddon Approaches”

  1. I’ve read this entire series. It’s awesome, funny and a different take on the vampire trope. I love seeing how Reginald evolves throughout the series as well.

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