Weird First Dates

Sometimes, you’re better off just staying home.

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Blind dates aren’t for everyone. It’s hard enough going through that first date with someone you know, but going out with someone you’ve never even met before can be a little . . . well, here are a few stories that will show you what we mean.

  • “When we were chatting online he told me he loved women’s feet. He even asked me for a ‘foot selfie’, if you can call it that. I thought he was joking. When we met up, the first thing he did was look down at my toes, peeking through my sandals . . . and he got really, really excited. Like, orgasm at the table, excited. I was so weirded out I faked an emergency and told him I had to go home.”
  • “His car was so rusty I could see the road through the floor. I was worried the bottom might fall out. I kept thinking of Fred Flintstone.”
  • “Some friend of his called and gave him the whole run down about some woman the friend met at a club the night before. He kept sympathising with him, and advising him how you mustn’t treat ‘them skanks’ too good. After the call ended, he looked at me, smiled, and said, ‘Not you, eh, baby’.”
  • “He had this old, beat-up cage on the back seat. He saw me watching it and told me he liked to catch squirrels in the forest. He laughed when he said it, so I think he was joking, but jeez . . . I couldn’t get my mind off squirrels all night.”
  • “His sister came with us, and they got into a fight. About him making his mother wash his clothes. He dropped her off at City Gate and told her to take a maxi taxi home.”
  • “He was a health freak. At dinner, he told me he didn’t eat anything white: rice, milk, sugar, flour . . .. When my dessert came, he asked me if anybody in my family had diabetes.”
  • “He paid for dinner with a 30% off coupon.”

Had any weird ones lately? Share them in the comments. Pleeaase?

Author: Roslyn Carrington

Roslyn Carrington has been a freelance writer, editor and proofreader for over 11 years. She has published 14 novels and has ghost-written several memoirs and non-fiction works. She writes, edits and proofreads for a variety of publications and corporate clients.

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